Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Shempster

The Shempster

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hello from the other side.

Chris here,

I guess it's only fair that I give a little blurb first and foremost as well. As the (quite obvious) other half of this duo I'd just like to mention that the main characters in these stories have been in gestation for probably the last five years. As Micah mentioned they came into existence in a rather strange circumstance but I don't have the energy to get into it just yet. I would like to say that it's exciting to finally see something happening with them. There are a few things in the gags and the characters that are borrowed without much alteration from real-life events and they always say that truth is stranger than fiction. Anyway with that said I'm going to get right down business with Mr.Baker


Squishy heads are great, I have to admit. They bounce right back no matter what you do to them. I've got a couple sketchbook images here to throw back at you. Are the costumes animatable? Hard to say right now. And dinner was great, thanks for asking
